A Forester in 1959 cost $149.50
The average price of the SAKO 85 Finnlight ST, the SAKO 85 Bavarian and the SAKO 85 Classic in .270 cal is about $1950, (Recommended retail).
Using Federal minimum hourly rates for 2005 (Official rate for 2005, not 2009) and archives from 1959.
You would have to work 2 and half times longer in 2009 than you would 50 years ago to own your rifle.
The average price of the SAKO 85 Finnlight ST, the SAKO 85 Bavarian and the SAKO 85 Classic in .270 cal is about $1950, (Recommended retail).
Using Federal minimum hourly rates for 2005 (Official rate for 2005, not 2009) and archives from 1959.
You would have to work 2 and half times longer in 2009 than you would 50 years ago to own your rifle.