I’ve recently picked up an l46 heavy barrel that was rechambered to 223 (unfortunate, i know). it did not come with the original stock. It was an extremely good price, so it was worth it.
As many of you know, it will not cycle 223 in the magazine. I however would like to try to make it work - if i could mill the receiver to accept 222 magnum magazines, basically making an l469, would the feed ramp cycle 223 rem? or was the l469 a “stretched” l46?
I have many questions that i hope someone can help with. Thank you!
As many of you know, it will not cycle 223 in the magazine. I however would like to try to make it work - if i could mill the receiver to accept 222 magnum magazines, basically making an l469, would the feed ramp cycle 223 rem? or was the l469 a “stretched” l46?
I have many questions that i hope someone can help with. Thank you!