Today I took a look at an L46 .222Rem , #515**. The dealer had brought it in from Switzerland a few years back, it has the dark wood color referred to in recent posts. The bolt was numbered with the receiver, but the barrel had some odd (to my uninformed eye) markings. On the right side was the Bofors Steel legend, with those odd arrows. But on top, the word "Akah" inside an oval, and on the left side of the barrel just ahead of the receiver, there was a four digit number (not corresponding to the serial number) hand stamped, one digit at a time . The dealer thought this might be a proof mark from an outside proofhouse?
Is it possible that this is a re-barrel? Even with the Bofors legend on the right?
Is it possible that this is a re-barrel? Even with the Bofors legend on the right?