Hello All
I had the opportunity to pick up a Sako L691 magnum action about twenty years ago. At a gun store I used to frequent a customer had put half down on an action and never came back. The store was asking what they had in it. Basically it was half off. At that time they used to be advertised in Brownells so I knew what the price should be and I bought it on the spot. I have been carring it around with me all these years. I managed to get a take off stocke for it and a remington style recoil block. I am going to permanatlly mount the metal recoil "pad" that came with the action in the stock and bear the remington recoil block against it. I have had some bad luck with my health and fought off cancer. The cancer is now gone but I do have a sense of urgency to get it ready for my son. He is eleven and would like to have it completed asap. If it's not completed it probably never will be.
I would like to have it barreled and chambered in 7mm rem mag. We live in Montana and I am just beginning to teach my son how to shoot with a 22. The cancer and chemo put me down for many years. I now have chemo induced diabetes and congestive heart failure along with severe nerve damage. Nerve damage that is a lot like MS.
So here is what I would like to ask the forum. I need a gunsmith that will barrel and chamber this action for the 7mm Rem Mag. But also one that I don't have to sell one of my kids to get it done. I haven't been able to work in about six years and times are tight. So I am going to sell some of my C&R rifles to get it done. I have a vz 52 Chech with around 1600 rounds, 7.62x45, on stripper clips that I would like to get between 850 and 900 dollars for both ammo and rifle. I know that this is not Sako related but someone that sees it might help me out. But back to the L691. The action is brand new. Does anybody have information as to how this action takes bluing? I have heard from a guy that went to yapavappy( or how ever you spell it) that the action doesn't take blueing well. He said the one he saw turned out green. So any help with getting a good gunsmith to put a new barrel with a remington style recoli lug and chambered for 7mm Rem Mag and information as to the best way to blue this action. Any help at all would be very much appreciated. Oh and last but not least a set of scope mounts and rings.
Thank you for your help.
Peace be with you all and a Merry Christmas to you also.
I had the opportunity to pick up a Sako L691 magnum action about twenty years ago. At a gun store I used to frequent a customer had put half down on an action and never came back. The store was asking what they had in it. Basically it was half off. At that time they used to be advertised in Brownells so I knew what the price should be and I bought it on the spot. I have been carring it around with me all these years. I managed to get a take off stocke for it and a remington style recoil block. I am going to permanatlly mount the metal recoil "pad" that came with the action in the stock and bear the remington recoil block against it. I have had some bad luck with my health and fought off cancer. The cancer is now gone but I do have a sense of urgency to get it ready for my son. He is eleven and would like to have it completed asap. If it's not completed it probably never will be.
I would like to have it barreled and chambered in 7mm rem mag. We live in Montana and I am just beginning to teach my son how to shoot with a 22. The cancer and chemo put me down for many years. I now have chemo induced diabetes and congestive heart failure along with severe nerve damage. Nerve damage that is a lot like MS.
So here is what I would like to ask the forum. I need a gunsmith that will barrel and chamber this action for the 7mm Rem Mag. But also one that I don't have to sell one of my kids to get it done. I haven't been able to work in about six years and times are tight. So I am going to sell some of my C&R rifles to get it done. I have a vz 52 Chech with around 1600 rounds, 7.62x45, on stripper clips that I would like to get between 850 and 900 dollars for both ammo and rifle. I know that this is not Sako related but someone that sees it might help me out. But back to the L691. The action is brand new. Does anybody have information as to how this action takes bluing? I have heard from a guy that went to yapavappy( or how ever you spell it) that the action doesn't take blueing well. He said the one he saw turned out green. So any help with getting a good gunsmith to put a new barrel with a remington style recoli lug and chambered for 7mm Rem Mag and information as to the best way to blue this action. Any help at all would be very much appreciated. Oh and last but not least a set of scope mounts and rings.
Thank you for your help.
Peace be with you all and a Merry Christmas to you also.